The Rotary Club of Leesburg was chartered 95 years ago by a group of people who wanted to find ways to give back to their community by living the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self”. That motto is just as relevant to our 65 members today as it was in 1927.
If you wander through Leesburg you will see evidence of the impact our club has had on the town. Rotarian Stanley Caulkins, sitting forever on a bench downtown located outside the jewelry store he founded, was also instrumental in founding our airport. General George Marshall was a Nobel Laureate known for his contributions in wining World War II and resurrecting Post-war Europe via the Marshall Plan. The General was also an active member of our Club. Rotary Park was donated to the town and the Club has established one of the County’s most generous high school scholarship programs, while providing major funding for more than 20 nonprofits over our 95 years.
The Rotary Club of Leesburg is one of the 46,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide with 1.4 million members - all of whom share our principles and values. We work directly with these Clubs or through the Rotary International Foundation in driving many or our projects. From rainwater collection in Cambodia to Rotary International’s Polio Plus program to eradicate polio, we are committed to the big world view as well as the continued improvement of our local community.